Sezin Benli, MA
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Benli, S. (2019). 'The Ties That Bind': Exploring the contributing factors of resilience in adult care-leavers. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul.
Stability of time perspective and its relation to future satisfaction with life, 3rd International Conference on Time Perspective, 15-19 August 2016, Copenhagen
Benli, S., and Dogu, I. (2014). State and trait qualities of time perspective. (Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis). Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul.
Women Have a Name: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 27 November 2023, Istanbul
Psychosocial Support Specialist Training for Family Reunification, Koruncuk Foundation, 4-5 November 2021, Istanbul
Family-focused studies for children under state protection, Child Studies Conference in Bilgi, 24 May 2019, Istanbul
Foster Care: Türkiye Stakeholders Meeting, Family Based Care in the Islamic Context Project, September 28, 2018, Istanbul
Sayar, K. & Benli, S. (2023). "Çocuklarda Ekran Bağımlılığı". Yeşilay Dergisi, 1077, 22-25.
Benli, S. (2023). "Çocuklarımıza Dijital Dünyada da Rehberlik Etmek Gerekiyor". TRT Akademi, 08(19), 1008-1017. https://doi.org/10.37679/trta.1368083
Sayar, K. & Benli, S. (2021). "Aileler Çocuklarının İlgilerini Keşfetmeli". Uluslararası Maarif Dergisi, 3, 20-23.